Sunday, October 17, 2010

Follow Up: New Age Wack

Since the post on our SOIVOHLE acronym I have received a couple of interesting emails and posts to the blog that didn't make it to the light of day.
I am not sure why there is such a huff a pooh over new age. First I would like to say that I do not equate New Age with religion. When I think New Age, images of psychic fairs and crystal balls come to mind.

I went through my own curiosity phase with those things, but that was years ago and I think it more in line to parlour tricks or amusing things to do at parties.
Nathan Branch made reference to some of my blog posts in his last segment, Artisan Series Liz Zorn, with a link to the Olfactorama website where the writer had called the Soivohle acronym "new-age'wachadoodle" I had to go back and read this blog post again, because I was not referring to Olfactorama specifically when I used the words whack job in my original post. I say wack job a lot, actually. But I can see where it could be seen that way. I was just fed up with the New Age tag in general. Because it is in no way who I am or what I am about.
For me it is the idea of people making assumptions about my intentions when they do not know me or have every thought to ask first hand. 
And still I am at a loss for understanding how sending out good energy is wack. If this is true, we need a whole lot more wack in the world. But the double standard persists. When a scientist talks about energy and vibrations he/she is a genius. When everyone else does it they are new age nobody's with a loose screw. Give me a break....


  1. Funny, that double standard... I don't think sending out good energy is "wack" is part of our culture.
    Think of "the power of positive thinking", "smiles" on the menu on fast food joints, our culture's belief in good (and bad) karma.
    Sending out good energy is not a new age's as old as the hills.

  2. I really don't get the criticism, and have no intention of changing. I like sending out good cheer. What better way to give a little extra, as with ones own work. A no brainer in my book.....
